You’ve got to love pizza!
Not only is it a delicious food that can incorporate any toppings you want, it’s also the basis for a fantastic drinking game you can play with your friends.
Fun and addictive, the Pizza Box Drinking Game is a dare-based game that also allows you to consume lots of alcohol, whilst also enjoying a laugh and quality time with your bros or squad.
It’s the perfect way to liven any evening up and can lead to memories which you will all cherish for the lifetime of your connections.
So, if you have never played the game before, why not take the time to familiarise yourself with the rules?
We are about to explain them to you in more detail, so it is worth taking the time to really understand them.
Here goes!
Materials Required
To play the Pizza Box Drinking Game, you will need the following items:

β 1 square of cardboard
Although any square or rectangular piece of cardboard or paper will suffice, traditionalists should insist on this game being played with an empty pizza box.
Its firmer nature will afford the coin more bounce, and it will be a lot more durable than paper if the beer was to spill on it.

β 1 quarter/$2 Dollar coin
If you are playing in the USA you can use a quarter, otherwise, a $2 coin will do. This small-sized coin is much more preferable than larger coins, as you will need something smaller to throw onto the game surface (for reasons which we’ll highlight shortly).

β Dark coloured permanent markers
Once you have successfully flipped the coin onto the pizza box, you will need at least one dark-coloured permanent marker to draw your shape and play your go. A red or blue coloured pen tends to work best, but if you have more than 3 or 4 colours then all the better.

β Lots of different beer/alcohol for each person
Generally, a drinking game of this nature involves everyone consuming alcohol for the following reasons:
β They enable you to undertake drinking challenges which might have been specifically devised by you or any of the other participants.
β You should experience a little buzz, particularly when required to undertake a dare or challenge which you are embarrassed or shy about doing.
β It should ensure the game is played in a good spirit, especially if you are all getting a little merry as you play it.
Whether you drink beer, wine, cocktails or other alcoholic beverages is up to you. But it is recommended you do not drive anything with too strong an alcohol content.

Pizza Box Drinking Game Rules
The rules to the pizza box drinking game can be explained in 6 steps as follows.
Step 1: Place the pizza box on a table or the ground and instruct all participants to make a circle around it.
Step 2: Whoever is designated to go first must try to land the coin onto the pizza box by flipping or tossing the coin with their thumb.
If the coin does not land on the pizza box on the first attempt they need to drink one finger of alcohol. They also have to keep tossing or flipping the coin until it lands and settles on the surface.
Step 3: After the coin has settled on the lid of the box, they must pick up the dark-coloured permanent marker and draw any shape of their choosing on it. After that, they will then have to write a task, dare, game or any other type of challenge in the shape they have just drawn.
Step 4: Once they have done this, the next person on their left needs to do the same.
This leads to the potential for two scenarios though. Which can either be:
a) The coin lands on an empty space – which results in them creating a brand new shape with a task, and thus their turn ending.
b) If any part of the coin lands in a ‘claimed’ space that features a task, they must do as instructed.
Step 5: The game continues with each subsequent person continuing in the same vein.
Step 6: After a couple of rounds the board will be completely full of different shapes that present varying tasks. When this happens, the game ends after one more additional round, starting with the person who drew the last shape. By which time you should all have had a turn of doing something crazy or hilarious.

Pizza Box Drinking Game Tips
Here are a few tips to make the most of your game experience.
1. To play the Pizza Box Drinking Game it is best to have between 6 to 10 players as a minimum.
2. Try not to draw the shape too big. That way you have the potential to include lots of different tasks and dares.
3. Don’t write the whole dare down, instead just use a keyword. That way you have more space to include more dares! So, for example, if you want someone to do a freestyle rap, just write ‘rap’ down on the box.
4. Be sensible when it comes to creating the dares. This game is about fun, so don’t put anything down which could put people at unnecessary risk of harm, ruin someone’s night, or see them indicted as a felon.
5. Donβt pressure people into doing something they don’t really want to do. Instead, introduce a contrast to the dare where they can choose to drink 2 fingers of alcohol instead if they would prefer not to do it.

Ideas for Pizza Box Drinking Game dares, tasks and challenges
This game works best when you really understand the personalities of the participants and create dares, tasks and challenges that you know they would be willing to do for a laugh.
However, if you need a few ideas to get you started, you might consider writing any of the following on the pizza box:
1. Post a selfie on one of your social media accounts
2. Try and balance a book on your head for 30 seconds
3. Kiss the person on your immediate right
4. Sing a song of your choice for 30 seconds
5. Do an impression of a celebrity
6. Switch an item of clothing with another participant
7. Phone Your Ex
8. Recite a classic movie quote
9. Show off your craziest dance moves
10. Do 10 push-ups or sit-ups
11. Tweet something as suggested by the third person to your left
12. Tell the group something you have never told anyone else before
13. Arm wrestle any member of the group you choose
14. Do a charade for the other group to guess
15. Tell the cheesiest joke you can think of

So there you have it! Our version of how to play the Pizza Box Drinking Game.
Remember, this game is all fun, drinking beer and having a great time, so make sure everyone is doing that.
If you throw yourself head first into it, you will find that this game is as intoxicating as your alcohol. So once you have totally lost your inhibitions, be prepared for you and the rest of your group to make total fools of yourselves!
Although we have outlined the rules, be mindful that they are not set in stone. Feel free to add extra dimensions and elements to it, which in turn should make it even more fun for you all to play.