For parents who’d like to do something engaging and fun with their children, you should consider fruit picking with them. Fruit picking is an excellent chance to show children where fruits come from.
If you’re in Sydney, the Central Coast or Newcastle, there are several farms where you can take your kids to pick fruit.
This article will highlight some pick-your-fruit farms in the North coast, Sydney, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Central Coast, and Lake Macquarie.
Things to Keep In Mind Before Going Fruit Picking
Before you go to a pick-your-own fruit farm, ensure they’re open. You can do this by checking their social media platforms or website. You can also call them to confirm if they’re available.
You should also check to see what you require, as some farms may require a reservation. Some places only accept cash payments or may need you to carry bags.
Fruit Seasons In the New South Wales
If you’d like to know which fruits you can pick in a particular season, here’s a breakdown:
- Strawberries are usually grown in hydroponic environments and are available all year round.
- Apple picking is usually between January and May, and different varieties are available.
- Cherry picking occurs between late November and mid-December.
- You can pick walnuts and chestnuts in March and April
- You can pick citrus fruits between July and August or October and December.
- Peaches are in season from October to November.
Farms For Apple Picking

1. Fruit Bowl
- Facebook: Bilpin Fruit Bowl
- Season: Between late January and March
- Website: Bilpin Fruit Bowl.
- Location: 2093 the Bells Line Road, Bilpin
- Admission: Adults $20, kids between three and twelve $10, kids and for kids below n3 years, entry is free. The entry charge allows visitors to consume whatever they want in the orchard. Nevertheless, visitors have to pay for what they carry home.
- Bookings: Required: Reservations are restricted to 200 individuals every two hours.
Blipin is among the best destinations for people who want to pick their own apples. Different apples are available, including Pink lady, Red Delicious, Fuji, and Royal Gala.
Different apple varieties are available during different seasons. Therefore, check the farm’s website before visiting. The farm also offers strawberry picking throughout the year.
The farm is usually open only on weekends and during public holidays between 10 am and 4 pm. The hours typically vary; check their Facebook page before visiting.
Follow them on Facebook to stay updated and know what’s available for picking every weekend.

2. Canoelands
- Season: Between mid-Feb and mid-March
- Phone: 0419688039
- Site: Canoelands Orchard
- Location: 27 Canoelands Road, Canoelands
- Admission: Entry is free, and visitors only pay for what they pick
- Bookings: Required on public holidays and weekends
This pick-your-own fruit orchard lets visitors book sessions online and is typically open from 10 am to 2 pm on weekdays and between 10 am and 4 pm on public holidays and weekends.
Once you arrive, you’ll be directed to the picking areas and provided with bags you must return after picking what you need.
Apart from an orchard, Caneolands also has a picnic area, an animal farm, a coffee shack with sandwiches, pies and cakes and tractor rides.
Besides apples, the orchard also grows pomegranates, plums, peaches, tomatoes, mandarins, oranges, and strawberries, available at different times of the year.
According to their site, the orchard on 5th January 2023 will be open on weekdays between 9 am and 2 pm, and they’ll not have fruit available for picking daily in January. However, they’ll offer picking sessions once the fruits become available.
Peaches, Blueberries and strawberries are available for picking each at $6/kg, $20/kg, and $15/kg, respectively.

3. Springs Orchard
- Season: Between February and June
- Website: Bilpin Springs Orchard
- Location: 2549 The Bells Line, Bilpin
- Phone: (02) 4567-1294
- Bookings: Required for community groups and schools only.
- Admission: Entry is free, but every adult has a $5 minimum purchase.
This tiny orchard is situated in the Blue Mountains and lets visitors pick stone fruit, pears, and apples.
The fruit-picking season starts with Royal Gala, then Golden, Red, and Jonathan apples. The farm also offers Granny Smith, Red Fuji and Pink Lady apples.
Bilpin farm depends on the money they generate from fruit sales for income. Therefore., only purchase fruits that are available for picking and what you can afford.
The fruits that are available for picking are usually marked √. You can always ask if you’re unsure about the appropriate picking methods or a specific fruit.
The farm is typically open on Sundays and Saturdays but always calls before visiting to confirm. The orchard offers baskets holding around ten kg of fruit; however, visitors are encouraged to carry bags.
Fruits are charged per kilogram, and the prices are indicated at the entrance.
4. Pine Crest Farm
- Season: Between Late Jan and April
- Website: Pine Crest Farm
- Location: 2549 The Bells Line Road, Bilpin
- Facebook: Pine Crest Farm
- Admission: Free
- Booking: Not required
Apples are usually available for picking at PineCrest between late January and May. The season begins every year with Tydemans, then Akane apples in January.
Golden Delicious, Delicious, and Jonathan apples are usually available in February. Fujis are typically available in late March, while Pink Lady and Granny Smith varieties come in last. Pine Crest is typically open on weekends from 10 am to 3 pm.
According to their website, the orchard doesn’t have apricots or cherries and only a few peaches due to 2022’s cold, wet weather.
Apples will ripen between late February and early February, and they’re unsure when they will open. To get more updates, follow them on Facebook.
Farms For Blueberry Picking

5. Bucca Valley Farm
- Season: Between mid-December and late January
- Facebook: Bucca Valley Blueberries
- Location: 416 Bucca Road
- Admission: Free
- Booking: Not required
This farm is located near Coffs Harbour, operates under the transparency system, and charges $10 per kg. They offer visitors baskets to use while picking blueberries.
Once you’re done picking the fruits, weigh them, and leave the cash. They encourage visitors to carry their own bags. While at Bucca valley, your children can pat horses and feed the turtles.

6. Brackenridge Berries
- Season: Between mid-December and late January.
- Website: Brackenridge Berries
- Location: 355 Waitui Road, Waitui
- Entry: $2.50 per person (also applies to kids above three years)
- Booking: Not required
This farm is situated between Port Macquarie and Taree. The farm offers blueberry picking between mid-December and late January.
They offer visitors bags for picking the berries; it typically takes an hour for two adults to fill the 10kg bucket. Unfortunately, the farm wasn’t open in 2022-2023 as the 2022 drops of rain interfered with crop development — nevertheless, they hope to open in December 2023.
Farms For Picking Cherries

7. Sue and George Cherry Farm
- Season: Between November and December
- Location: 7 Melrose Drive, Raglan
- Entry: $5 per person (children and adults)
- Booking: Required and restricted to one hour
This farm requires you to make a reservation on their Facebook page. They only accept cash payments, and visitors must commit to picking at least 2 kg of fruit.
They only accept cash payments, and visitors must commit to picking at least 2 kg of fruit. The farm is usually open in late November; follow their Facebook page to get updates on when they start accepting bookings.

8. Roth Family Orchard
- Season: Between late November and mid-December
- Website: Roth Family Orchard
- Location: 108 Eurunderee Lane, Mudgee
- Facebook: Roth Family Orchard
- Entry: From $5
- Booking: Required
Cherry lovers can pick them up in the summer at The Roth Orchard between November and December. The orchard is usually open most mornings while cherries are in season, and it’s best to arrive before it is hot.
Visitors are required to make reservations beforehand. The Roth orchard offers different cherry varieties, including Simone and Merchant cherries.
Alternatively, you can opt for a drive and head to Australia’s cherry capital, Young, where Australia’s National Cherry Festival is usually held.
There are numerous orchards where attendees can pick their own cherries between November and December. Some orchards require visitors to make a reservation while others don’t; ensure you check the festival’s website to get more information on individual farms.
Farms For Picking Nuts

9. Nutwood Farm
- Season: Open on Sundays and Saturdays from March
- Website: Nutwood Farm
- Location: 22 Danes Road, Mt Irvine
- Facebook Page: Nutwood Farm
- Entry: Free
- Booking: Not required
Located in Mt. Irvine, the Nutwood orchard is open five or six weekends every year between March and April. The farm offers nuts, including walnuts and chestnuts, grown without fertilisers and chemicals. The farm is usually open on weekends between 9 am and 4 pm.
The orchard has over 200 trees that are primarily chestnuts. They offer baskets, but it’s recommended that visitors bring their own tongs and gloves.
10. Kookootonga Chestnut and Walnut Farm
- Season: Between March and April
- Website: Kookootonga Chestnut and Walnut Farm
- Location: 247 Mt Irvine Rd, Mt Irvine
- Facebook: Kookootonga Chestnut and Walnut Farm
- Entry: Free
- Booking: Not required
Located in the Blue Mountains, Kookootonga is open daily between 9 am and 4 pm, and weekdays are typically less busy than the weekends. They provide baskets for visitors to pick their nuts. Carry good quality gloves to protect your hands from burns and other hazards.
Farms For Picking Mandarins and Oranges

11. Ford’s Orchard
- Season: Between June and July (Mandarins)
- Website: Ford’s Farm
- Location: 1275 Singleton Road, Laughtondale
- Entry: $10 per vehicle ( covers six individuals max)
- Booking: Required
Ford Farm is situated on the Hawkesbury river banks, a 15-minute drive from Wisemans Ferry. At Ford farm, the first mandarin variety during mandarin is the juicy Satsuma, which has easy-to-remove peels, seedless and popular among kids.
The farm was established over five decades ago and offers other citrus fruits, including oranges, limes, and lemons. Once the mandarin season is over, they usually close until July during the cumquats season.
Visitors are advised to carry bags, gloves and scissors for picking fruits. Unfortunately, the Farm didn’t open its doors in 2022 due to the floods and heavy rains that impeded crop development.
Even though some fruits grew, the owners felt they weren’t good quality. Hopefully, things will be different this year, and the farm will be able to welcome visitors.
12. Cedar Farm
- Season: Between July and August
- Facebook: Pick Your Own Oranges Dooralong
- Location: 48 Dittons Road, Dooralong
- Admission: Free
- Booking: Not required
Head out to cedar farm, located on the Central Coast, for a fun family day to pick oranges. The farm allows visitors to pick oranges at specific times of the year; therefore, you have to get your timing right.
Navel oranges usually grow during the winter and are available for picking between July and August. Valencia oranges are usually available between late October and early December.
There are 15 acres of the farm available for exploration, and they don’t charge any admission fees or require visitors to make reservations. Oranges typically go for $1.50 per kilogram, and visitors must carry their own bags.
13. Wyuna Orchard
- Season: Between November and January for Valencia oranges and between May and October for Navel oranges
- Site: Wyuna Farm
- Location: 982-988 George Downs Way, Kulnura
- Booking: Not required
- Entry: Free
Visit the Wyuna family-run orchard in Kulnura to experience the farm’s history and enjoy a family day out picking oranges.
14. Watkins Farm
- Season: Open from June
- Website: Watkins Family Orchard
- Location: 1006 Singleton Rd, Laughtondale, through Wisemans Ferry
- Facebook Page: Watkins Family Orchard
- Entry: Free
- Booking: Not required
This farm features more than 200 fruit trees, and it’s situated near the Hawkesbury river. The farm is usually open in the winter, and besides fruit picking, there are also animals like lambs, sheep, and chickens which children can pet.
There’s a $20 minimum purchase limit for big buckets and $10 for little buckets. They only accept cash payments.
Besides oranges, the farm offers mandarins, Kaffir Limes, Tahitian Limes, Eureka lemons, Finger Limes, Cumquats, Lemonades, Grapefruit and mandarins.
Farms For Picking Peaches

15. Pine Crest Farm
- Season: Between December and February
- Website: Pine Crest Farm
- Location: The 2549 Bells Line Road, Bilpin
- Facebook: Pine Crest Farm
- Entry: Free
- Booking: Not required
Located in Bilpin, Pine Crest offers yellow and white-fleshed peaches yearly between December and February. The farm opens on weekends from 10m am to 3 pm.
Due to 2022’s harsh weather conditions, only a few peaches grew. Until apple season, between late January and early February, it isn’t guaranteed that the orchard; therefore, check on their Facebook page to get updates.
14. Canoelands
- Season: From October to November
- Website: Canoelands Orchard
- Location: 27 Canoelands Rd, Canoelands
- Phone: 0419688039
- Entry: Free
- Booking: Required on public holidays and weekends
Peaches are usually available between October and November. Apart from peaches, the farm also has nectarines between October and December.
The orchard is usually open between 10 am and 2 pm on business days and from 10 am to 4 pm during public holidays and weekends. Besides fruit picking, the farm also has tractor rides, a coffee shop, a playground, a picnic site, and an animal farm.
Besides peaches, the farm also grows pomegranates, plums, tomatoes, mandarins, oranges, strawberries, and blueberries.
From 5th January 2023, Canoeloand started opening their shop between 9 am and 2 pm, and while there are no fruits available in January, the orchard will welcome visitors when fruits are in-season.
Farms For Picking Strawberries
15. Bilpin Fruit Bowl
- Season: Varies
- Website: Bilpin Fruit Bowl
- Location: 2093 Bells Line of Road, Bilpin
- Facebook: Bilpin Fruit Bowl
- Admission: Adults $20, kids between three and twelve $10, kids and for kids below n3 years, entry is free. The entry charge allows visitors to eat whatever they want on the farm. Nevertheless, you’ll have to pay for what you carry home.
- Booking: Required and limited to 200 individuals every 2 hours.
The farm offers strawberry picking at different times of the year. Their strawberries are grown in a hothouse, meaning they’re available all year round.
Visitors are required to bring their own scissors and backs while fruit picking. Before entering the hothouse to pick strawberries, visitors are expected to pay for strawberry punnets. Strawberries cost $20 per kilogram.
The farm is only open on public holidays and weekends between 10 am and 4 pm. That said, hours usually differ on school holidays.
Follow them on Facebook to be updated on admission specials, operating hours changes, and fruits available for picking every week.

16. Ricardoes
- Season: Throughout the year
- Phone: (02) 6585 0663
- Location: 221 Blackmans Road, Blackmans
- Admission: Free
- Website: Ricardoes
- Booking: Not required
This farm is located near Port Macquarie and offers strawberries and tomatoes. Five varieties of strawberries are available, and the farm has more than 30,000 trees.
The strawberries are grown off the ground in vertical pipes with pipes that supply fertiliser and water to every plant. The picking scissors and buckets are usually provided.
If you visit on the weekday, you can join the guided farm tours at 11 am. Entry is free, and visitors only pay per kilo for the fruits they pick. Parents can pick strawberries from high vines, while children can pick berries from lower plants.