At 12,895 km, Western Australia has the longest coastline in the country. In addition, the state also has 208 major rivers, which extend for over 25,000 km. Collectively, these provide plenty of outstanding opportunities for fishing.
Loved by recreational and professional anglers alike, these opportunities take the form of freshwater, deep sea and even beach fishing. Giving you the opportunity to catch more than 2500 different types of fish species, as well as dozens of crustaceans, that reside within the various waterways.
Across Perth, you will find plenty of these in abundance throughout its rivers and the ocean. Which makes the city a haven for those who love to fish.
In case you are wondering where to go, in this guide, we will highlight 14 of the best fishing spots in Perth, for those who want to cast a line.
So let’s get started!
Fishing Licences in Western Australia
Before you can throw a line into one of Western Australia’s thousands of fishing spots, you will have to procure a recreational fishing licence.
You can do this by applying online with the WA Government. Or completing a form at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Fisheries office.
At the time of writing, the types of recreational fishing licence you need, and the associated costs are as follows:
Recreational Fishing from Boat $40.00
Rock Lobster $50.00
Abalone $50.00
Marron $50.00
Freshwater Angling $50.00
Net Fishing (set, haul, throw) $50.00
If you are Aboriginal, however, you do not have to apply for a recreational fishing licence in this state. So long as you catch the fish in a manner that is in keeping with Aboriginal tradition, and that the fish are caught for personal consumption, and not commercial or business purposes.
Common Types of Fish in Perth
As mentioned previously there are over 2500 species of fish across all Western Australian waterways.
Should you cast a line in Perth, some of the main ones you should be able to catch on a regular basis include the following:
Australian Salmon
Baldchin Groper
Black Bream
Brown Trout
Giant Herring
King George Whiting
Rainbow Trout
Silver Bream
Best Fishing Spots in Perth
Having established what fishing licence you need, and what fish you can expect to catch, the only thing left to work out is the best place for you to drop a line.
So outlined below is a selection of 14 of the best spots for fishing in Perth, Western Australia. Head to any of these places, and you should enjoy a lovely angling experience.
1. Canning Bridge
The suburb of Canning Bridge boasts several fishing spots.
Some of the most prominent include a fishing platform, as well the jetty which resides under the bridge and especially along the banks of the river.
Fishing is good here throughout the year, but especially during the Summer when the water has really warmed up.
Type of fishing: Fishing Platform
Expect to find: Black Bream, Flathead, Whiting, Mulloway, Herring and Tailor
Best time to go: Early Afternoon

2. Trigg Beach
Trigg Beach is a terrific destination for angling.
Overall there are several great spots to drop a line, although the standout has to be the sand patches that lie between the spectacular rocky reefs.
Be sure to fish here during high tide, as you will be less likely to lose your hook.
Type of fishing: Beach Fishing
Expect to find: Whiting, Australia Salmon
Best time to go: Early Morning

3. Mangles Bay
If you are looking for a place that offers a variety of angling opportunities then head to Mangles Bay in Rockingham.
Presented with options for beach, rock and jetty fishing, you should be able to catch plenty of fish, as many of them congregate at all three.
Type of fishing: Beach, Jetty and Rock fishing
Expect to find: Mulloway, Pink snapper, Tailor, Silver Trevally, King George and Yellowfin Whiting
Best time to go: Early Morning

4. Hillarys Boat Harbour
Hillarys Boat Harbour is another popular and picturesque fishing location.
A couple of good spots here are by the rocks around the harbour, and by the groynes. Both areas attract plenty of fish.
Type of fishing: Rock Fishing
Expect to find: skippy, bream, tailor and King George whiting
Best time to go: Early Morning and Night
Rules: Fishing from the boardwalks and jetties in the boat harbour is prohibited

5. Blackwall Reach
Thought by many to be the best place in Perth to drop a line, Blackwall Reach is a must-visit fishing destination.
The cliff spot here is about 25 metres below the saltwater surface and makes for an excellent shelter spot for both large schools and predator fish, on account of its closeness to the river and ocean.
There’s always lots of fish waiting to be caught here.
Type of fishing: River Fishing
Expect to find: Herring, Bream, Mullet, Tailor, Garfish, Pinkies, Tarwhine, Snapper and Flatheads.
Best time to go: Early Evening

6. Claremont Jetty
Looking for somewhere to take your child? Then the Claremont Jetty is a terrific spot.
A popular river fishing destination, it features a long jetty which has lots of space on it to throw a line.
Type of fishing: Jetty Fishing
Expect to find: Black Bream, Tailor, Flounder, Silver Bream, Cobbler, Mulloway
Best time to go: Early Morning

7. Woodman Point
Over in Munster, Woodman Point boasts an excellent groyne and jetty. Both of which are favoured for the variety of fish you can catch there.
The Jetty also serves as a popular spot for little kids to fish too.
Type of fishing: Jetty Fishing
Expect to find: Herring, Tailor, Salmon, Snapper, Garfish, Skippy, Whiting, Flathead and Squid
Best time to go: Early morning

8. Cottesloe Rock Groyne
While the Cottesloe Rock Groyne is regarded as one of Perth’s most popular beaches, it is also renowned as being an excellent beach fishing spot as well.
This is a very busy spot, so don’t expect to fish there alone, but with the fish being in abundance here, you should have no problem snaring a good catch.
Type of fishing: Beach Fishing
Expect to find: Tailor, Herring, Whiting, Skipjack and Garfish
Best time to go: Early Morning and Early Afternoon
9. Yanchep Lagoon
For the sheer number of fish that reside in the area, Yanchep Lagoon is a brilliant spot to head to. It’s also rather picturesque too.
To get there, you’ll have to walk a short distance from the beach. But it’s worth the effort for the multitude of herring, tailor and whiting you’ll find there.
Type of fishing: Beach Fishing
Expect to find: Tailor, Herring, Whiting
Best time to go: Early Morning

10. Narrows Bridge
Right in the heart of the Perth CBD, the area around Narrows Bridge provides a couple of good spots to enjoy a bit of fishing in the Swan River.
If you can, head to the sandy shore, or make your way under the bridge towards the concrete pylons, which are both very good spots to find schools of fish.
Type of fishing: River/Jetty Fishing
Expect to find: Mulloway, Black bream and Cobbler
Best time to go: Early evening and night

11. Riverside Gardens
A very good place to take the kids is to the Riverside Gardens.
Known for its small, child-friendly jetties, this destination accommodates several different species of fish, as well as schools of fish, who dart in between hiding holes that are scattered along the posts and bridges.
Type of fishing: Jetty Fishing
Expect to find: Black Bream, Flathead, Mulloway, Yellowtail Grunter
Best time to go: Around Noon
12. E-Shed Markets at the Fremantle Wharf
The area right behind the E Shed markets, at the Fremantle Wharf, is well worth heading to.
It features warm waters at both the river entrance and harbour that are perfect for fishing. It is also a very accommodating spot for kids to enjoy as well.
Type of fishing: Wharf Fishing
Expect to find: Tailor, Bream, Skippy and Herring
Best time to go: Early Morning and Around Noon

13. West End of Rottnest Island
Even if you don’t like fishing, Rottnest Island is a brilliant place to go.
But if you love nothing more than to cast a line, then this is a place you simply have to visit!
Containing around 450 different species of fish, the warm waters of Rottnest Island are home to an extraordinary abundance of marine life.
As the West End of the island houses a sanctuary zone, you should head to the platform that is located there. It’s a great spot to fish for Radar Reef.
Type of fishing: Beach/jetty Fishing
Expect to find: Mackerel, Salmon, Tailor
Best time to go: Early Morning
Rules: Net fishing and Spearfishing are prohibited.

14. Two Rocks
Over at Two Rocks, you will find a number of beach and reef fishing spots. All of which accommodate huge schools of fish.
If you have a 4WD, be sure to head to the beaches north of the marina, where you will be able to take advantage of the small reefs and gutters.
Type of fishing: Beach fishing
Expect to find: Tailor, Mulloway, Skippy, Herring, Pink Snapper
Best time to go: Early Morning and Night
Final Thought
So there it is! Our guide to 14 of the best fishing spots in Perth.
We hope this guide has given you some inspiration on where you can head for your next angling adventure.
Wherever you decide to go, you are sure to have an excellent time, because the city really is a haven for fishing.