Want to find out when the terms dates and holidays are for Queensland schools in 2022-23?

Well, we’ve got you covered!

In this post, we will run through a detailed list of the term dates, as well as the school and public holidays, and student free days for all schools in Queensland.

This information will enable you to keep abreast of your child or children’s schedule, as well as give you enough notice to book time off work or a family getaway.

Do state schools and private schools in Queensland have different holidays?

In short, yes they do.

Education Queensland is responsible for setting the school term dates for all state learning institutions. When doing so they try to maintain a consistency of term length. Generally, this takes the form of four terms of 10-week lengths. Although this is not always possible if Easter falls earlier than April.

However, by contrast, Catholic, independent and private schools in Queensland are responsible for setting their own term times and school holiday dates,

In general, they try to match the same dates as determined by Education Queensland with the state schools. Although it is inevitable that some variation will occur between individual Catholic, independent and private schools.

To be on the safe side, if your child attends any of these types of schools, it is a good idea to check directly with them as to what their specific dates are, to ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information to hand.

Queensland State School Term Dates 2022

Queensland State School Term Dates 2022

In 2022, the first term for Queensland state schools started 2 weeks later than normal due to Covid lockdown. Therefore the first term only ran for 8 weeks. All subsequent terms, however, are due to run for 10 weeks across the dates outlined below:

Term 1 – Monday 7 February – Friday 1 April

Term 2 – Tuesday 19 April – Friday 24 June

Term 3 – Monday 11 July – Friday 16 September

Term 4 – Tuesday 4 October – Friday 9 December

Queensland State School Holiday Dates 2022

Queensland State School Holiday Dates 2022

If your child goes to a Queensland state school, during 2022 they will be on holiday at the following times.

Easter school holiday dates – Saturday 2 April – Monday 18 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 25 June – Sunday 10 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 17 September – Monday 3 October

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 10 December 2022 – Tuesday 22 January 2023

Queensland State School Term Dates 2023

Queensland State School Term Dates 2023

In 2023, all four terms for the school year at Queensland state schools will run for 10 weeks, between the following dates:

Term 1 – Monday 23 January β€” Friday 31 March

Term 2 – Monday 17 April β€” Friday 23 June

Term 3 – Monday 10 July β€” Friday 15 September

Term 4 – Tuesday 3 October β€” Friday 8 December

Queensland State School Holiday Dates 2023

Queensland State School Holiday Dates 2023

In 2023, if your child goes to a Queensland state school they will be on holiday at the following times.

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 10 December 2022 – Sunday 22 January 2023

Easter school holiday dates – Saturday 1 April – Sunday 16 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 24 June – Sunday 9 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 16 Sept – Monday 2 Oct

Summer school holiday dates – Friday 9 December 2023 – Monday 22 January 2024

Queensland Catholic, Independent & Private schools holidays

Queensland Catholic, Independent & Private schools holidays

As mentioned earlier, both Catholic, independent and also private schools in Queensland determine their own term dates. This means they are not bound by what state or national governments set.

Generally, the school holiday dates for Catholic, independent and private schools run parallel to that of state schools. But it is worth highlighting that some variations may occur. Therefore, should your child attend one of these types of schools, it is worth checking the dates with that specific institution.

2022 Queensland school term dates for Catholic, independent and private schools

2022 Queensland school term dates for Catholic, independent and private schools

During the school year for 2022, the term times at Queensland’s Catholic, independent and private schools are scheduled to run between the following dates:

Term 1 – Monday 7 February – Friday 1 April

Term 2 – Tuesday 19 April – Friday 24 June

Term 3 – Monday 11 July – Friday 16 September

Term 4 – Tuesday 4 October – Friday 9 December

2022 Queensland school holidays dates for Catholic, independent and private schools

2022 Queensland school holidays dates for Catholic, independent and private schools

In 2022, if your child goes to a Queensland Catholic, independent or private school they are scheduled to be on holiday during the following periods.

Easter school holiday dates – Saturday 2 April – Monday 18 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 25 June – Sunday 10 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 17 September – Monday 3 October

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 10 December 2022 – Tuesday 23 January 2023

Queensland student free days

Queensland student free days

As well as the school holidays, at various points in the year Queensland’s students are given additional school-free days. These tend to be set aside for the purpose of training and professional development for teachers. Typically they take the form of activities like curriculum planning, codes of conduct, best practices etc.

For Queensland school children, this means they get extra days off. Again these days vary depending on the school, so it is worth checking with them to ascertain when they are.

Queensland public holidays

Queensland public holidays

In addition to school holidays and student free days, there is also a selection of public holidays across the year in Queensland that provide children with additional time off from school.

In 2022, these dates for Queensland are as follows:

New Year’s Day – Friday 1 January

New Year’s Day – Monday 3 January

Australia Day – Wednesday 26 January

Good Friday – Friday 15 April

Holy Saturday – Saturday 16 April

Easter Sunday – Sunday 17 April

Easter Monday – Monday 18 April

Anzac Day – Monday 25 April

Labour Day – Monday 2 May

Queen’s Birthday – Monday 3 October

Christmas – Sunday 25 December

Boxing Day – Monday 26 December

So there you have it, term and holiday dates for Queensland schools in 2022-23. Now that you have found this page, why not bookmark it, so you can refer to it later?
