Want to know the term and holiday dates for Australian Capital Territory school children in 2022-23?

Well, you have come to the right place!

In this guide, we will provide you with an overview of all the term dates for Australian Capital Territory schools during this period. Similarly, we will also outline all the school and public holidays, in addition to student-free days too.

Enlightened with these details, you will be able to keep track of your child or children’s schedule. Which will better enable you to plan for family holidays.

You will also be able to give your employer plenty of notice for any time off you may want to book to look after your kids too.

Do Australian Capital Territory state schools and private schools have different holidays?

Do Australian Capital Territory state schools and private schools have different holidays?

In the ACT, state schools and private schools tend to have slightly different holiday dates.

This anomaly occurs because the ACT Government only sets the term dates for state schools. By contrast, all Catholic, independent and private schools are free to determine their own schedules.

While they generally do try and match the term and holiday dates allocated for state schools by the ACT Government, it is inevitable that some variations between them will occur.

As a result, if your child goes to a non-state school, it is a good idea to double-check what their specific dates are.

Australian Capital Territory State School Term Dates 2022

Australian Capital Territory State School Term Dates 2022

In Australia, school term dates vary between the different states.

Therefore, please note the school term dates for Australian Capital Territory schools in 2022 are scheduled to be as follows:

Term 1 – Tuesday 1 February – Friday 8 April

Term 2 – Tuesday 26 April – Friday 1 July

Term 3 – Monday 18 July – Friday 23 September

Term 4 – Monday 10 October – Friday 16 December

Australian Capital Territory State School Holiday Dates 2022

Australian Capital Territory State School Holiday Dates 2022

Should your child attend a state school in Northern Territory they are due to be on holiday at the following times in 2022.

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 18 December 2021 – Monday 31 January 2022

Easter school holiday dates – Saturday 9 April – Monday 25 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 2 July – Sunday 17 July

Spring school holiday dates – Friday 24 September – Sunday 9 October

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 17 December 2022 – Monday 30 January 2023

Australian Capital Territory State School Term Dates 2023

Australian Capital Territory State School Term Dates 2023

In 2023, the school year at all state schools in the Australian Capital Territory will run between the following dates:

Term 1 – Tuesday 31 January to Thursday 6 April

Term 2 – Monday 24 April to Friday 23 June

Term 3 – Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September

Term 4 – Monday 9 October to Friday 15 December

Australian Capital Territory State School Holiday Dates 2023

Should your child attend a state school in the Australian Capital Territory they will be on holiday in 2023 at the following times.

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 17 December 2022 – Monday 30 January 2023

Easter school holiday dates – Friday 7 April – Sunday 23 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 1 July – Monday 17 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 23 Sept – Sunday 8 Oct

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 16 December to Tuesday 30 January 2024

Australian Capital Territory Catholic, Independent & Private schools holidays

Australian Capital Territory Catholic, Independent & Private schools holidays

In the Australian Capital Territory, Catholic, independent and private schools are responsible for determining their own term and holiday dates. Subsequently, they are not bound by what the ACT Government comes up with.

Typically, the school holiday dates for Catholic, independent and private schools in the ACT do follow similar dates to those allocated for state schools. But of course, some variations will naturally occur.

Therefore, if your child goes to any of these types of schools, you might want to confirm the specific dates with them.

Australian Capital Territory Catholic, Independent & Private schools holidays (1)

Australian Capital Territory School term dates for Catholic, independent and private schools in 2022

As previously outlined, the term times at Catholic, independent and private schools in the Australian Capital Territory vary slightly from the dates set aside for state schools by The ACT Government.

In general, they run across similar dates. However, variations between schools do naturally occur. So you should make a point of checking the dates directly with the learning institution your child attends, just to be on the safe side.

School holidays dates for ACT Catholic, independent and private schools in 2023

School holidays dates for ACT Catholic, independent and private schools in 2022

If your child attends a Catholic, independent or private school in the Australian Capital Territory they will be on holiday in 2022 during these dates.

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 18 December 2021 – Monday 31 January 2022

Easter school holiday dates – Saturday 9 April – Monday 25 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 2 July – Sunday 17 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 24 September – Sunday 9 October

Summer school holiday dates – Sunday 17 December 2022 to Friday 30 January 2023

School holidays dates for ACT Catholic, independent and private schools in 2023

If your child attends a Catholic, independent or private school in the Australian Capital Territory, they will be on holiday in 2023 during these dates.

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 17 December 2022 – Monday 30 January 2023

Easter school holiday dates – Friday 7 April – Sunday 23 April

Winter school holiday dates – Saturday 1 July – Sunday 16 July

Spring school holiday dates – Saturday 23 September – Sunday 8 October

Summer school holiday dates – Saturday 16 December 2023 to Tuesday 30 January 2024

Australian Capital Territory student free days

Australian Capital Territory student free days

School holidays aside, Australian Capital Territory students are also given further days off in the form of pupil-free days throughout the year.

Allocated for teachers’ professional development, during these days the focus is on topics like updating the school curriculum, determining the school’s strategic direction and refining codes of conduct, as well as first aid and fire training.

The dates these activities take place vary depending on the school your child goes to. So be sure to double-check with them, to avoid being caught short.

Australian Capital Territory public holidays

Australian Capital Territory public holidays

In addition to the dates set aside for the school holidays and student-free days, there are several state and national, public holidays throughout the year which also give kids in the ACT extra days off from going to school.

While some of these public holidays vary between the different states, for residents of the Australian Capital Territory the dates for 2022 have been scheduled as follows:

New Year’s Day – Friday 1 January

New Year’s Day – Monday 3 January

Australia Day – Wednesday 26 January

Canberra Day – Monday 14 March

Good Friday – Friday 15 April

Holy Saturday – Saturday 16 April

Easter Sunday – Sunday 17 April

Easter Monday – Monday 18 April

Anzac Day – Monday 25 April

Reconciliation Day – Monday 30 May

Queen’s Birthday – Monday 13 June

Labour Day – Monday 3 October

Christmas – Sunday 25 December

Boxing Day – Monday 26 December

So there you go!

All of the term and holiday dates for ACT schools in 2022-23.

Now that you have these details you will be able to schedule your family holidays and activities, as well as any other time off you may need to take off your work to look after your children.
